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At Vendor America, we are committed to providing the best value to our customers. We pride ourselves on offering high-quality products at competitive prices. If you find a lower price on an identical product from a competitor, we will be happy to match that price. Here’s how it works:

  1. Eligibility: The product must be identical in brand, model, and color. The product must be in stock and available for purchase at the lower price from a company located in the same country.

  2. Verification: Provide us with proof of the lower price. This can be an advertisement, a link to the competitor’s website, or any other form of validation that we can independently verify.

  3. Exclusions: Our price match policy does not apply to items sold on auction sites, at local or special sales, or prices from overseas websites. It also does not apply to prices advertised by wholesalers or warehouses not open to the public.

  4. Claim: To claim a price match, contact our customer service team within 14 days of your purchase with your proof of the lower price while the lower price is in effect.

We reserve the right to verify all claims and make the final decision on any price match. This policy is subject to change without notice.

Please note that we will not beat a competitor’s price; we will only match it. The aim of our price match policy is to ensure that our customers can purchase products they trust at competitive prices, not to undercut our competitors.

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